Zero Budget Natural Farming means 100% Organic farming from Gaia’s Gomutra (Urine) and Gomaya (Dung). Gaia means Bhartiya Govansh.
This was because India had topsoil for at least 50 centuries (which means it can grow and is suitable for all types of the crop on this land) and this was all due to divine Gaia (भारतीय गोवंश). The roots of Indian Culture are ALWAYS its Divine Gaia_Gomata Nandi (Bharatiya Govansh) which made the rich top fertile soil through its GOMAYA (dung) and GOMUTRA (urine).

Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF):
Padma Shri Indian agriculturist Subhash Palekar intensely researched for 6 years about Gomaya and Gomutra from all Gaias (Bhartiya govansh). He found that all Bhartiya govansh like Gaulao, Lal Kandhari, Khilar, Deoni, Dangi, Nimari from Maharashtra; Gir, Tharparkar, Sahiwal, Redsindhi from West India; Amrutmahal, Krishna Kathi from South India and Hariyana from North India, their dung (Gomaya) and urine (Gomutra) have immense natural medicinal properties to nourish the soil. His first conclusion was that ONLY dung and urine from Bhartiya govansh (Gaia) is effective, NOT from Jersey Holstein-Friesian breeds that are foreign cow breeds. We can mix half Gaia’s dung and half dung of bullock or buffalo. But not of Jersey/ Holstein foreign cow at any cost as there is harmful dysentery causing bacteria in their dung. There is no specialty in foreign cow breeds dung and urine.
Subhash Palekar tested GOMAYA(Gaia’s Dung) and GOMUTRA (Gaia’s urine) from all Bhartiya govansh on EVERY CROP, in each moon phase and constellation and the result was effective, positive in all phases. The farmer need not use any compost, vermicompost for farmyard manure.
Zero Budget Natural Farming : Interesting Facts about Gomaya & Gomutra
One gram of GOMAYA, that is, Gaia’s dung contains about 3000 to 5000 million beneficial microbes. Gaia’s dung is to be use as fresh as possible and the urine as old as possible. Medical Elements like Nitrogen(N7), Potassium, Copper, Molybdenum, Borax, Cobalt Sulphate, Phosphorus, Irons, Manganese, Boron, Sodium is inheriting in Gomaya as all Bharatiya Govansh are descendants of divine Kamadhenu Gaia.
Of all the 84 lakh (8.4 million) species of living entities, only the Gaia is such an entity whose Dung is not impure, but rather it purifies every other kind of impurity
Anusaasana-Parva Sec83-87 Mahaabhaarat.
Medical Elements like Phosphate, Uric Acid, Urea CO, Copper, Ammonia, Sulphur, Nitrogen, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Carbolic Acid, Calcium, Salt, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, Lactose, Enzymes, Aurum Hydroxide Creatinine, Hippuric Acid is inheriting in Gomutra as all Bharatiya Govansh are descendant of divine Kamadhenu Gaia. Gomutra is the panacea for all diseases when used in combination with certain Ayurveda herbs
There is no specialty discover in foreign cow breeds (Jersey / Holstein Friesians ) dung and urine. In fact, it is discovered that there is harmful dysentery causing bacteria present in its dung and its urine is simply a waste product. The Foreign cow dung is of liquid consistency. It generally flows from a cow. It can’t maintain its shape like the dung of Gaia and so its outer dung covering is not as firm as the dung of Gaia. The Foreign cow dung has a repulsive odor. So in ORGANIC FARMING ONLY Gaia’s dung and urine are 100% effective for doing Zero-based organic farming.
Zero Budget Natural Farming : Sustainable agriculture
The future is sustainable agriculture which is ONLY possible with Gaia’s dung (GOMAYA ) and Gaia’s Urine (GOMUTRA). The good thing is that many Indian farmers are becoming fully aware of this FACT and practicing Organic farming based on Gaia’s dung and urine. In the state of Maharashtra, farmers are proud of themselves for the decision to keep Gaia at their farm as most of them are producing huge organic harvest revenue with almost zero cost.
In fact, many of the farmers are save from committing suicide as they are able to pay their loan with huge harvest from organic (Gaia’s dung & urine) farming. Thanks for the growing Awareness among Indian Farmers and the efforts of “Subhash Palekar “. There are many Indian Farmers who Are practicing Zero-based farming from Gaia’s dung (GOMAYA) and Gaia’s urine (GOMUTRA) and keeping Gaia’s BULL (Nandi) for their land Ploughing. Some of the Real-life stories are as follows:
- Mr. Joshykumar of Muttukad (Kerala) in Bison Valley employed zero budget natural farming methods in his seven-acre multi-crops land has proved successful with a considerable increase in yield. Joshykumar is one of around 45 farmers in the district who have already shifted to zero budget farming, devised by Subhash Palekar of Maharashtra. Mr. Joshykumar said he could easily shift to zero-budget farming since he had always practiced organic farming methods. He said that full dedication and keen efforts need to shift to zero-budget farming. Zero budget farming proposes that only a single Gaia is sufficient to cultivate 30 acres of land.
ZBNF : NO Fertilizers or pesticides or any chemicals
Fertilizers or pesticides are not used in this method. The focus of the cultivation is through the activation of microorganisms in the soil. Mr. Joshykumar said that his main cultivation, pepper, is completely resisting pest attack even though he was not using any pesticides and production has increased considerably.

Gaia’s dung (GOMAYA) is the main component use for revitalizing soil with the help of dried plants, which is used to cover the ground around the cultivated plants. Besides pepper, he also cultivates vegetables, nutmeg, and clove. “An exporting agent from Marayur who markets organic produce bought clove from me at Rs.400 a kg when the market price was Rs.310,” he said.
- Farmer Sunny Kudankavil of Panamkutty (Kerala) said he got a yield of 400 kg from 5 kg of ginger rhizomes since he shifted to zero budget farming from Gaia’s dung and urine. “If you follow the guidelines suggested by Mr. Palekar, you will get the result,” said by Mr. Kudankavil, who had attended a three-day workshop organized by Mr. Palekar
- Farmer Jose Ammencheri, a cardamom farmer in Vandanmedu ( Kerala), said yield had not fallen when he shifted his 14-acre plantation to the Zero-based farming method from Gaia’s dung and urine.“There will not be a sudden increase in yield, but it sustains, also, organic pest control methods are used,” he said.
ZBNF : Pure Organic pest control methods
1. 5 liters Gaia’s milk 2. Black Pepper Powder 200 grams 3. Water 200 liters
1. Gaia’s dung (GOMAYA) 5 kg 2. Gaia’s urine (GOMUTRA)10 liters 3. Neem leaves 10 kg 4. Water 200 liters
Fungicides and insecticides prepare by the farmer himself is to be use either as preventative or as curative measures for control of crop pests.
- Farmer V.C. Devasia from Kerala said his cocoa plants and rubber plantation have shown higher yield since he shifted to zero-budget farming three years ago from Gaia’s urine and dung.
- Shaji Thundathil, who is coordinating the farmers engaged in zero budget farming, said that thousands of farmers were keen to shift to the zero budget farming method. He said that 300 acres of fallow grass in Muttukadu would be cultivated using zero-budget farming methods from Gaia’s dung and urine jointly by farmers, who have found success employing this method.
There is another Real-life Story of 2 farmers Ramesh Raju, and Venkate Gowda whose villages are about 6 kilometers distance in the state of Karnataka. The difference is in their methods of farming. Ramesh Raju practiced ORGANIC farming from Gaia’s Dung and Urine and Venkate Gowda practiced chemical farming and these methods make a difference in life and death.
ZBNF : My Experience
I am personally practicing Zero-based Organic farming from ONLY Gaia’s gomutra and Gomaya. This I am doing from 2 Gaia and 2 Gaia’s bull (Nandi) for the past 4 years without any use of compost, vermicompost, or any chemical fertilizer. Till now my land is flourishing with a huge harvest of Wheat, Barley. I took up Organic farming for my land just as a hobby but now it has become a huge source of income for me.
Traders who visit my farm are very keen to give me a very lucrative price to export these high-quality grains (as by looking only you can make out which is grown naturally i.e organic and which is chemical i.e genetic modified GM crop). But I refuse to export this high quality as I believe such Good high-quality health crops grown from Gaia’s urine and dung should stay in our country where more farmers are inspired to start this Organic based farming from Gaia’s dung and urine. Organic-based farming from Gaia’s Gomutra and Gomaya is the biggest untapped market now which has huge potential for high revenue generation as more people are becoming aware of health issues, the root cause of many incurable diseases is chemical farming, that is, Genetically modified crops.