Vedas Understanding

VEDAS Understanding

Vedas understanding

Samskrit letter Pronunciation Places (वर्णस्थानगणना)

श्रुति परम्परा

Each Samskrit Varn (letter) has a distinctive sound attached to it that comes from its place of origination (वर्णानाम् उत्पत्तिस्थानानि )that is produced by various speech organ, so Samskrit letter Pronunciation Places (वर्णस्थानगणना) means the number of speech organ places from where samskrit letter is to be pronounced. The number of speech organ places from … Read more

Birth Places of Samskrit varn as per Paniniya Shiksha (उच्चारण स्थान)

Which samskrit varn (letter) is produced from which part of speech organ is the foundational knowledge for a beginner learning this language. In Vedas such foundational knowledge of letter pronunciation is covered in vast detail in Shiksha Vedanga . Just like we humans have some birth place , in a same manner, each samskrit letter has … Read more

Difference between letter ऌ and लृ

Introduction to लृ लृ is a स्वरयुक्त व्यञ्जन (svarayukta Vyanjan) . स्वरयुक्त व्यञ्जन means combination of vyanjan (consonant) with a swar (vowel) . स्वरयुक्त व्यञ्जन is also known as ” गुणिताक्षराणि:”or “स्वरयुक्त अक्षर” लृ वर्ण is formed by the combination of vyanjan ” ल् “ with swar ” ऋ ” What is the उच्चारण of … Read more

Introduction to Shiksha Vedanga

Shiksha Vedanga शिक्षा (SHIKSHA) is the first and important limb of Vedanga (वेदाङ्ग) and this is why it is also known as “Shiksha Vedanga” .The word “SHIKSHA” should not be confused with its english translation as education ; as both “SHIKSHA” and its english translation “education” have different meaning. In english language “education” would mean … Read more