To understand the structure of Samskritam it is very important to know the “Word formation” . The Word or शब्द is called पदम् in samskritam . Word formation in Samskrit language is totally different from hindi, english and other Foreign languages.
“Word / Words ” is just a close english translation for पदम् / पदानि and it should NOT be taken literally because what “word” means in english language is totally different from what “पदम्” means in samskritam language. Why the “word” itself is called as word has no logic attached to it , but when I say “पदम् ” there is logical explanation attached to it as per Vyakarana (Vedanga) Ashtadhyayi.
How Word is form in Samskritam?

In samskritam language , sentence or वाक्यम् is form from the Words or पदानि . In Samskritam what makes “पदम्” has been explain in Ashtadhyayi sutra 1.4.14 called सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् . The simple meaning of सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् is सुप् – तिङ् – अन्तम् पदम् , that means which ends (अन्तम्) with सुप् or तिङ् is called “पदम्” ( for detail explanation of this sutra watch the below video)
In the above sentence or वाक्यम् there are 3 words or पदानि – कृष्ण: वनं गच्छति |
कृष्ण: is पदम् , वनं is पदम् , गच्छति is पदम् and the reason they are word or पदम् is because all the 3 ends with सुप् or तिङ् .
The Word or पदम् that does NOT END with सुप् or तिङ् cannot be used in forming a sentence or वाक्यम् ( for detail explanation watch the below video).
In Samskritam language there are 2 main components for Word or पदम् formation which is प्रकृति: and प्रत्ययः .
For संज्ञा (Noun) , सर्वनाम (Pronoun), विशेषण (Adjectives) the प्रकृति: is call as प्रातिपदिकम् and,
For क्रियापद / आख्यात (Verb) the प्रकृति: is call as धातुः .

The Basic Understanding of प्रकृति: and प्रत्ययः should be there to gain the Knowledge of “प्रातिपदिकम्” and “धातुः .
Watch the below video for detail explanation
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