Swar in Samskritam differs from other foreign languages. In English language there are 5 vowels and sometimes letter “Y” is also included as vowel. There are 22 swar (vowels) in Vedic Samskrit language ; this is one of the reason why English translation is considered to be the POOR translation for Vedic scriptures as there are NO english letter substitute for many vedic samskrit letters .
Swar in Samskritam and in hindi are same?
Hindi language is originated from Vedic Samskritam . This is the reason that Hindi language uses Vedic Samskrit’s Devanagari script. Even though Hindi language is direct descendant of Vedic Samskritam language , not all letters have been adopted by Hindi language from Vedic Samskritam . For example, there are 22 swar (vowels) in Vedic Samskritam and in hindi there are 13 swar (vowels). In hindi language the 13 swar are classified only into 2 types which is ह्रस्वाः ( Short ) and दीर्घ: ( Long) also the letters अं [अनुस्वारः] and अः [विसर्गः] are counted as swar in hindi language while in Vedic Samskritam language , letters अं [अनुस्वारः] and अः [विसर्गः] are NOT considered as swar . In Vedic Samskritam language letters अं [अनुस्वारः] and अः [विसर्गः] are categorised under अयोगवाहा .
What is the Origin of Swar in Samskritam?
Swar in Samskritam as per Ashtadhyayi is known as अच् . अच् is a Pratyahar which has all swar present in it.
Let us first understand the origin of Swar in Samskritam .
The origin of Swar in Samskritam is from Maheshwar Sutra .

From these 14 Maheshwar Sutra , 9 Swar were formed which are:
अ इ उ ऋ ऌ ए ओ ऐ औ
Ashtadhyayi Sutra (1.2.27)
As mentioned in Ashtadhyayi by maharshi Panini in ऊकालोऽज्झ्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतः (1|2|27) sutram these 9 Swar in Samskritam are classified into three types based on the time (कालतः) of pronunciation which are :
1.ह्रस्वाः स्वर
2. दीर्घ: स्वर
3. प्लुतः स्वर
let us first understand these three one by one:
1. ह्रस्वाः स्वर : Swar that take very little time , that is , one matra (unit of time) in their pronunciation , are called ह्रस्वाः स्वर. They are also known as Mool swar (Short vowel) .
अ इ उ ऋ ऌ- these 5 Varn (letter) are ह्रस्वाः स्वर
2. दीर्घ: स्वर : Swar that takes twice the time ,that is, two matra (unit of time) compared to ह्रस्वाः स्वर in their pronunciation are called दीर्घ: स्वर. All दीर्घ: स्वर are formed with the help of two ह्रस्वाः स्वर and hence they are also called Sanyukt swar (diphthong) or sandhi swar.
आ ई ऊ ॠ ए ओ ऐ औ – these 8 Varn (letter) are दीर्घ: स्वर
3. प्लुतः स्वर : Swar that takes thrice the time in compared to ह्रस्वाः स्वर , that is , three matra (unit of time) in their pronunciation are called प्लुतः स्वर. For recognition of Plutah swar , devanagari number ३ (3) is written next to it.
अ३ इ३ उ३ ऋ३ ऌ३ ए३ ओ३ ऐ३ औ३- these 9 Varn (letter) are प्लुतः स्वर
NOTE : Only these 9 SWAR have Plutah (प्लुतः) form ,that is, you will never find a व्यंजन (consonant) with Plutah form.You will never find प्लुतः स्वर in hindi language ; they are used only in Vedic samskritam.
As per Ashtadhyayi in ऊकालोऽज्झ्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतः (1|2|27), there are 22 Swar (vowels) in Samskritam Varnamala.

NOTE: The above classification of Swar in Samskritam is based on “कालतः” . “कालतः” as mentioned in Paniniya Shiksha Shloka 11 means ह्रस्वाः, दीर्घ:,प्लुतः .

Also , I would like to mention one important thing that as per Paniniya Shiksha Shloka 10 , in Vedic Samskritam language primary classification of SWAR (Vowels) is based on “ स्वरतः ”. “कालतः” is considered as secondary classification.
स्वरतः कालतः स्थानात् प्रयत्नानुप्रदानतः।
इति वर्णविदः प्राहुर् निपुणं तन्निबोधत।।
Paniniya shiksha Shloka 10
“स्वरतः” as mentioned in Paniniya Shiksha Shloka 11 means उदातः , अनुदान्त , स्वरितः , So in Vedas when we say SWAR it means उदातः , अनुदान्त , स्वरितः (which we will see in future post).

In below video Ashtadhyayi ऊकालोऽज्झ्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतः (1|2|27) sutram has been explained in detail.
Thank you.
Great post, explained very logically … thank you